Tag: Maestro

6th Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award – curtain raiser.

The 6th Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented in a solemn ceremony on Saturday, the 27th of July at the Vivekananda Hall of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Kolkata. The Award will be handed over by Swami Suviranandaji Maharaj, General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math &


Maestro and his High Watermarks await to be surpassed. 

Maestro’s Indelible Ink Marks!  Calling a Sitar virtuoso, a “maestro” we can understand. A cricketer, perhaps more so. But a professional calligrapher? Can someone, who has spent most of his adult life single-mindedly pursuing the art of writing with his hand and in the process has undoubtedly become one of